Nova publicació de Saida Palou a Inter and Post-war Tourism in Western Europe, 1916-1960


Saida Palou, investigadora de l’ICRPC, participa a l’obra col·lectiva “Inter and Post-war Tourism in Western Europe, 1916-1960” amb l’article “Tourism Advertising and Propaganda During the Postwar. The Case of Barcelona”.


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Referència de l‘article:


Palou Rubio, S., Correyero, B. (2020). Tourism Advertising and Propaganda
During the Postwar. The Case of Barcelona. En Pellejero Martínez, C., Luque
Aranda, M. (eds.), Inter and Post-war Tourism in Western Europe, 1916-1960
(p. 129-158). Cham: Palgrave Studies in Economic History. Palgrave

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