13.02.2013 - MEETINGS
L'ICRPC participa al Seminari Internacional Josep Maria Corredor
"Josep Maria Corredor i Emili Blanch a Montpeller"Gemma Domènech hi presenta "Josep Maria Corredor i Emili Blanch a Montpeller".
07.01.2013 - PUBLICATIONS
Sustainability and Cultural Heritage in the Catalan Coast
New article on Cultural HeritageThe journal American International Journal of Social Science has recently published the article by Eliseu Carbonell “Sustainability and Cultural Heritage in the Catalan Coast”
23.11.2012 - PUBLICATIONS
L'ICRPC publica el núm. 8 de la col·lecció Llibres de l'ICRPC
La eternidad ya no vive aquí. Un glosario de pecados museísticos
31.10.2012 - PUBLICATIONS
Presentació Sant Pere de Galligants
Gemma Domènech (ICRPC) and Rosa Maria Gil (Fund Masó)El llibre de la investigadora de l'ICRPC Gemma Domènech i de Rosa Maria Gil (Fundació Rafael Masó), es presentarà el proper dijous 8 de novembre a les 7h del vespre. L'acte anirà a càrrec de l'arqueòloga i museòloga Aurora Martín.
17.10.2012 - WORKSHOPS
Jornadas #Living Heritage! Viu la recerca en patrimoni cultural
Una iniciativa del Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural
03.10.2012 - PUBLICATIONS
La Dictadura Franquista. La institucionalització d'un règim
Pubicades les actes de congrés celebrat l'abril de 2010 -
26.09.2012 - WORKSHOPS
ICRPC participation in the new issue of . Pasos
17.09.2012 - PUBLICATIONS
Published Conferències collection (4th Vol.)
The volume includes the conference Museums and representation: reality, demagogy or fantasy? Dr. Annette B. Fromm
23.07.2012 - WORKSHOPS
The ICRPC participates at the 12th EASA Biennial Conference
The 12 EASA Conference held in Paris from 10 to 13 July brought together 1400 anthropologists from around the world. Eliseu Carbonell was there presenting a paper on the patrimonization of maritime culture.
19.07.2012 - WORKSHOPS
33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art (CIHA)
Two researchers of ICRPC have participated in the 33rd edition of the congress of the International Committee of the History of Art (CIHA) held in Nuremberg between 15 and 20 July.
05.07.2012 - WORKSHOPS
4th International Congress on Construction History
The ICRPC has been present with the communication "Building trades in Catalonia during the modern era. The case of immigration to Girona city" by researcher Gemma Domenech.
22.06.2012 - SEMINARS
Recording lectures Brian Morris Seminar
Seminar Anarchism as a political tradition: Cultural Heritage, Anthropology and Ecology