DIGIBERS. The socialization of research in the digital age: the case of the Iberian archaeology.
Research team:
Maria Carme Belarte Franco (IP) (ICREA Research Professor. ICAC)
Gemma Domènech Casadevall (Co-IP) (ICRPC researcher)
Ethel Allué. (IPHES researcher)
Pau Olmos Benlloch. (Juan de la Cierva researcher. ICAC)
Meritxell Monrós Gonzàlez. (ICAC researcher)
Pilar Camañes Villagrasa. (ICAC researcher)
Joan Canela Gràcia. (ICAC researcher)
Jordi Principal Ponce. (Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya)
Antoni Rojas Rabaneda. (ICRPC. Research projects and communication Unit)
Marta Fontanals Torroja.( IPHES Knowledge Transfer & Services)
Lluís Batista Carissimi-Priori. (IPHES Knowledge Transfer & Services)
Paloma Aliende Garcia. (ICAC. Graphic Documentation Unit)
The project is part of the Digital Humanities. It proposes a pilot research on socialization,
through the use of digital tools as broadcast channels, deepens the content, preparation
and presentation materials, as key elements for making accessible and enhance the
interest from the public and use of information derived from research in archeology and
heritage. The plan proposes to involve potential recipients in the selection, design and
production of content, to hear their concerns and needs and formats through which
they can more easily access the data. The target audience addressed the action is the
education sector - teachers and students-. The project represents a test of participation
and involvement of society in the dissemination of research results while making an
impact and work more carefully their social impact.
Maria Carme Belarte Franco (ICREA Research Professor. ICAC)
Ethel Allué. (IPHES researcher)
Pau Olmos Benlloch. (Juan de la Cierva researcher. ICAC)
Meritxell Monrós Gonzàlez. (ICAC researcher)
Antoni Rojas Rabaneda. (ICRPC. Research projects and communication Unit)
Marta Fontanals Torroja.( IPHES Knowledge Transfer & Services)
Lluís Batista Carissimi-Priori. (IPHES Knowledge Transfer & Services)
Observatori dels Públics del Patrimoni Cultural de Catalunya
Tel. 972 486 158