05.01.2012 - PUBLICATIONS

The e-rph electronic journal publishes an ICRPC article.

The e-rph Revista Journal has just published the number 9.


Among the contributions of this new issue of the journal there is an article titled Tools and strategies for heritage dissemination: re-enactment events in Catalonia by Antonio Rojas Rabaneda.

Re-enactment events present features and contexts that provide them with a broad scope and potential to develop activities for historical heritage's dissemination. In recent years they have become increasingly common in the annual program of municipal activities. The high number and diversity of visitor types they receive make them very attractive showcases for the designing of tourism activities, the reinforcement of local traditional economic sectors and the development of policies to promote and disseminate cultural heritage. Nevertheless, the prospect of these potentials is uneven in all the events analyzed in this paper. 

Frase Negra