Cataloguing of artistic assets

Preparation of exhaustive and complete description sheets of a set of assets, previously ordered and inventoried, with the aim of knowing their nature and significance.

In Catalonia, the traces and accumulated vestiges acquire a unique dimension associated with the historical, social, institutional and cultural evolution of our territory. Places, monuments and facilities define a rich and remarkable network.

In this process of cataloguing heritage assets, movable or immovable, our research team produces an exhaustive and complete description of each of the elements included in the inventory, which is considered basic for the management, knowledge and socialization of heritage, and is essential to consolidate its protection.



  • Projects for cataloging artistic assets.
    Inventory / Documentation / cataloging of heritage assets.
    Museographic projects: creation of content.
    Advice on projects or strategic plans for museums and heritage.
    Valuation reports on works of art.
    Monographic publications on works of art or monumental complexes.
    Curated exhibitions.
    Preparation of studies/reports for the declaration of heritage assets.
    Study of heritage processes.
    Study fund and archive fund.
    Scientific advice for museums and cultural facilities.
    Advice on plans for socialization and dissemination of cultural heritage.


A 10% discount will be applied to CERCA centers and universities to which the ICRPC is affiliated


Fundació Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC-CERCA)
Tel. 972 486 158


Edifici Pia Almoina
Plaça de la Catedral, 8, 3r pis
17004 Girona