Heritage processes and uses of heritage

This line links directly with the origins of the ICRPC, uniting what were its two founding lines and, in it, the center can show its experience.
In recent years, significant progress has been achieved in the research carried out on the processes of heritage development and the uses of heritage, which is why the Institute has acquired outstanding expertise and recognition in this field.
Research within this line focuses on issues related to the transformation and attribution of heritage value to cultural objects and assets.
The transformation of cultural assets into heritage resources, as well as the commissioning of museums, interpretation centres and other similar facilities, are social activities promoted based on a plurality of motivations. This diversity is also manifested in the discourses that are conveyed through heritage and the uses that different social actors make of these resources.
These are factors that are very dynamic and in constant evolution, as they are totally conditioned by the historical context and the social relevance of the groups that intervene in the management of assets and facilities. The Institute develops research activities that aim to identify the identity and motivations of the groups and agents that create and use heritage, as well as the analysis of the evolution of heritage practices over time.


Formats digitals i nous usos patrimonials al municipi Sils.
Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony TRANSFER PROJECTS

Formats digitals i nous usos patrimonials al municipi Sils.

Caracterizació de les ocupacions a l’abric de Lajuad 2 i del neolític antic del Sahara Occidental
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Characterization of the occupations in the Abric of Lajuad 2 and the ancient Neolithic of Western Sahara

Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS


La vil·la romana del Collet Est (Calonge i Sant Antoni) i el seu fundus
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

The Roman villa of Collet Est (Calonge and Sant Antoni) and its holdings

El turismo en la España del primer tercio del siglo XX.
Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Tourism in Spain in the first third of the 20th century

La Guerra Civil y represión en los ferrocarriles catalanes.
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

La Guerra Civil y represión en los ferrocarriles catalanes.

La museografia arqueològica catalana des del segle XVIII, fins l’actualitat
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony OWN PROJECTS

Catalan archaeological museography from the 18th century to the present day

Exposició. Vides errants. Postguerres i exilis dels germans Pi i Sunyer
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Exposició. Vides errants. Postguerres i exilis dels germans Pi i Sunyer

Projecte Patrimc@t
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Patrimc@t project

Comissariat de l’Any Isabel Jolis (1682-1770)
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Comissariat de l’Any Isabel Jolis (1682-1770)