In Catalonia there are more than 600 museums, collections and interpretation centres, as well as dozens of visitable monuments. The Observatory of Audiences of Cultural Heritage of Catalonia (OPPCC) aims to support the museums and heritage centres of Catalonia in their relationship with their audiences, as well as the public administrations and private agents that safeguard and manage the heritage.
In the management models of museums and heritage entities, 3 main areas are distinguished:
The OPPCC mainly offers services related to the management of the public, such as the mediation and reception of heritage by the public.
The OPPCC also wants to offer services related to resource management, such as financing and human resources; as well as communication of museums and heritage facilities, through training actions for professionals. The Strategic Plan of the Observatory of the Publics of Cultural Heritage includes its operating framework: its theoretical bases as well as the programs it develops.
Institut Català de Recerca en
Patrimoni Cultural ICRPC
Tel. 972 486 158