Safeguarding and destruction of heritage: war and social conflicts

The destruction of cultural heritage refers to the loss or deterioration of cultural assets, movable, immovable and intangible that have historical, artistic, architectural, archaeological, scientific or social value.
The reasons for destruction can be human (wars, vandalism, looting, urban development, neglect, lack of conservation, mass influx of visitors, climate change) or natural (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and other effects of climate change).
Of all these, war conflicts are the most important cause of patrimonial losses. In Europe, there are several research centers that analyze these losses, focusing the analysis on the armed conflicts of the contemporary era (the two world wars).
The ICRPC has joined this global trend, and has consolidated itself as a center specializing in the study of the safeguarding and destruction of heritage during the Spanish Civil War.


Exposiciones para la reconstrucción de la memoria
Safeguarding and destruction of heritage COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Exposiciones para la reconstrucción de la memoria

Museu en perill! Salvaguarda i endreça de l’art català durant la guerra civil
Monuments, places, museums and collections Safeguarding and destruction of heritage SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Museu en perill! Salvaguarda i endreça de l’art català durant la guerra civil

Documentació de la gestió del patrimoni a Catalunya per part del SDPAN
Safeguarding and destruction of heritage COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Documentació de la gestió del patrimoni a Catalunya per part del SDPAN

Patrimoni Cultural per la Pau. Experiències i casos internacionals
Safeguarding and destruction of heritage Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Patrimoni Cultural per la Pau. Experiències i casos internacionals

Catalans a Mèxic
Safeguarding and destruction of heritage Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony OWN PROJECTS

Catalans in Mexico

Experiències d'ús del Patrimoni Cultural com a eina per a la construcció de la Pau
Safeguarding and destruction of heritage Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Experiences of use of cultural heritage as a tool for building peace

Jordi Tell, arquitecte i activista republicà
Safeguarding and destruction of heritage Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Jordi Tell, arquitecte i activista republicà