Socialization projects

The socialization of research involves making scientific research accessible to the general public through dissemination, open access, citizen participation and knowledge transfer. This process promotes a conscious, informed and participatory society. In addition, it ensures that the different social perspectives are still considered in the research.

One of the most outstanding actions in relation to the socialization of knowledge is the curation of temporary exhibitions at cultural institutions and museums in the country. This task makes it possible to tackle very broad research topics that shed light on very important historical, cultural or heritage issues and that challenge society in one way or another. The temporary exhibition is a form of dialogue between this society and heritage, through which the former is recognized and identified as the heir of a past or an artistic manifestation.


Museu en perill! Salvaguarda i endreça de l’art català durant la guerra civil
Monuments, places, museums and collections Safeguarding and destruction of heritage SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Museu en perill! Salvaguarda i endreça de l’art català durant la guerra civil

Exposició. Vides errants. Postguerres i exilis dels germans Pi i Sunyer
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Exposició. Vides errants. Postguerres i exilis dels germans Pi i Sunyer

Comissariat de l’Any Isabel Jolis (1682-1770)
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Comissariat de l’Any Isabel Jolis (1682-1770)

Exposició Quan anàvem a estudi
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Exhibition Exposició Quan anàvem a estudi

Living Heritage! Viu la recerca en patrimoni cultural
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Living Heritage! Enjoy the research into cultural heritage

Bojos per l’Arqueologia
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony SOCIALIZATION PROJECTS

Crazy for Archaeology