Competitive projects

The ICRPC team designs its projects from a holistic conception of heritage. Heritage is the testimony that has come to us of the evolution of human societies and has a documentary value, physical and immaterial, that helps us identify and define the profile of civilizations and society.

The center promotes collaborative and interdisciplinary research. 21st century heritage studies require a collaborative approach between a wide range of disciplines, such as the humanities, arts, social sciences, architecture, engineering, environmental sciences, technology, law, urban and regional studies, to address the complexity of reality.

Caracterizació de les ocupacions a l’abric de Lajuad 2 i del neolític antic del Sahara Occidental
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Characterization of the occupations in the Abric of Lajuad 2 and the ancient Neolithic of Western Sahara

Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS


La vil·la romana del Collet Est (Calonge i Sant Antoni) i el seu fundus
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

The Roman villa of Collet Est (Calonge and Sant Antoni) and its holdings

El turismo en la España del primer tercio del siglo XX.
Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Tourism in Spain in the first third of the 20th century

Exposiciones para la reconstrucción de la memoria
Safeguarding and destruction of heritage COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Exposiciones para la reconstrucción de la memoria

La Guerra Civil y represión en los ferrocarriles catalanes.
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

La Guerra Civil y represión en los ferrocarriles catalanes.

Documentació de la gestió del patrimoni a Catalunya per part del SDPAN
Safeguarding and destruction of heritage COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Documentació de la gestió del patrimoni a Catalunya per part del SDPAN

Projecte Patrimc@t
Monuments, places, museums and collections Processes of patrimonialization and uses of patrimony COMPETITIVE PROJECTS

Patrimc@t project