09.01.2012 - WORKSHOPS

Nina Kammerer completed their stay at the ICRPC


What is the main research news from your recent stay in Girona?


During my second research period in Girona, I continued to conduct fieldwork with the Fal.lera Gironinina, the city’s giant puppetry troop. In August, for the first time, I spent a working vacation with the troop during which I observed members choreograph new dances. I also read documents in the Historical Archive of the City of Girona on the participation of giants, bigheads and the Eagle in the procession of Corpus Christi. As my ability to speak and understand Catalan increased, I investigated members’ paths into the group and their motivations for particiapting.



Do you have plans to present your research in the United States (conferences, seminars. ..)?


In the United States there is a tradition of informal presentations which are called “brown bag talks” because they are often held over the lunch hour and professors and students bring sandwiches in such bags. Next semester I will give two brown bag talks at my university (Brandeis), one at the Department of Anthropology and the other at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. These talks will provide opportunities to reflect on what I have learned and what I want to learn about the world of giant puppetry, as well as opportunities to deepen and refine my questions before continuing research next year.



Do you have an anticipated date for publishing the results of your research?


Not yet. Anthropological investigation requires lots of time, especially when the researcher does not speak the local language before beginning the research! When I was doing fieldwork during the research period that just ended, I saw more and more clearly the structure of a book on the world of Catalan giant puppetry, including the history of traditional street theater, the functioning of a troop and the involvement of diverse identities in participation therein. Although I think it is too early to publish formally, I began to publish occasional notes on the blog of the Fal.lera Gironina. I invite you to read them at i

Frase Negra