23.03.2012 - PUBLICATIONS

The ICRPC publish the number 7 of ICRPC LLIBRES


La patrimonialització de l’arqueologia. Conceptualitzacions i usos actuals del patrimoni arqueològic al nord-est de la península Ibèrica, is a study of the processes that have become the archaeological assets in this geographic area. Analyzes the historical evolution of the interest of society archaeological heritage, mainly from the late nineteenth century to the present, and, more specifically, a study of visitors focused on some of the archaeological museïtzats region.


The book is edited by Gabriel Alcalde and Josep Burch an the authors are:



Josep Maria Nolla, Narcís Soler, Roser Juanola, Modest Fluvià, Gabriel Alcalde, Josep Burch, Xavier Aquilué, Joaquim Tremoleda, Ricard Rigall i Torrent, Albert Saló, Joaquim Monturiol, Antoni Rojas, Anna Fàbregas, Enric Martí, Elisa Hernández, Anna Maria Puig, Lada Servitja i Maria de Lluc Serra

Frase Negra