
Tourism in Spain in the first third of the 20th century

Tourism in Spain in the first third of the 20th century. Characteristics and evolution of an economic activity and a social practice in a comparative perspective (TURSPAIN). PID2021-122476NB-I00.

Program: Generation of knowledge 2021. State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023. Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Implementation period: 2022–2025
Amount: €32,065
Participants: 10
Principal Investigator: Carlos Larrinaga Rodríguez, University of Granada
ICRPC participants: Dr. Exit Palou

The project Tourism in Spain in the first third of the 20th century. Characteristics and evolution of an economic activity and a social practice in a comparative perspective has the following objectives: analysis of the characteristics and evolution of tourism as an economic activity in Spain during the first third of the 20th century, a context in which it had not developed as a tourist power, although it was an emerging country, through a comparative perspective and a transnational vision of tourism; analysis of the characteristics and evolution of tourism as a social activity, taking into account the fact that tourism was expanded, in this period, to various sectors of society, losing its elitist character of the beginning of the century, when it was experienced as an element of social distinction by a minority of the population.

  • Bibliografia i Webgrafia relacionada:


Beascoechea, J.M. (2002): “Veraneo y urbanización en la costa cantábrica durante el siglo XIX: las playas del Abra de Bilbao”, Historia contemporánea, 25, 181-202.

Buswell, R. J. (2011): Mallorca and Tourim, Channel View, Bristol.

Cócola, A. y Palou, S. (2015): “Tourism promotion and urban space in Barcelona: historic perspective and critical review, 1900-1936”, Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica, 61-3, 461-482.

Correyero, C. (2018): “El papel de la publicidad turística en la construcción de la imagen de España (1900-1936)”. En Vallejo y Larrinaga, 471-507.

Larrinaga, C. (2021): “The origins and creation of the tourist hotel industry in Spain from the end of the 19th century to 1936. Barcelona as a case study”, Tourism Management, 82,1-12.

Moreno Garrido, A. (2005): “Turismo de élite y administración turística de la época (1911-1936)”, Estudios Turísticos, 163-164, 31-53.

Palou, S. (2012): Barcelona, destinació turística,, Bellcaire d’Empordà

Palou, S. y Pellejero, C. (2020): “Promoción turística y desarrollo geoeconómico, 1900-1936: Málaga y Barcelona”, Ayer, 117, 189-220.

Vallejo, R., Lindoso, E. y Vilar, M. (2016): “Los antecedentes del turismo de masas en España, 1900-1936”, RHEE, 10, 137-188.


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