Dinámicas de continuidad y cambio en las poblaciones de neandertales ibéricos: comparación entre el Cantábrico y el Mediterráneo Septentrional (2). PID2022-138590NB-C44.
Neanderthal communities had a long and continuous existence in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, developing a nomadic way of life based on hunting and gathering throughout the period known as the Middle Paleolithic (300,000 – 40,000 years before present). This period is characterized by a remarkable continuity in the subsistence and technical aspects but at the same time shows some singularities. This project aims to identify, describe and interpret these dynamics of continuity and change through a comparison exercise between two connected but at the same time environmentally contrasting territories such as, on the one hand, the Cantabrian coasts and, on the other, the northern Iberian Mediterranean.
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