This report proposes a new visitor traffic count model for the museums and heritage centres in Catalonia, which aims to standardise the quantification of visitors. This will ultimately enable us to draw comparisons, while serving as a tool for planning and management.
This report proposes a new visitor traffic count model for the museums and heritage centres in Catalonia, which aims to standardise the quantification of visitors. This will ultimately enable us to draw comparisons, while serving as a tool for planning and management.
The proposed model is based on a uniform design for the counting of the visitors of museums and heritage centres. The model must respond to a number of very specifically defined objectives, with a previous statement of exactly what is to be assessed. Knowing these objectives allows for the precision and standardisation of the variables, therefore providing information that can be aggregated and compared.
Specifically, the model aims to respond to the following objectives:
Institut Català de Recerca en
Patrimoni Cultural ICRPC
Tel. 972 486 158