Gemma Domènech Casadevall (ICRPC)
Upon the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939, in an attempt to delete the immediate past and find supporters for the new ideology, the winning side initiated intense work to purge the professionals who had worked for the Republic. This involved civil trials, parallel court-martials, and the trials of the Court of Political Responsibilities, which were designed to punish and, above all, intimidate the vanquished. This situation, which for teachers has been studied and documented in detail, occurred in all professional areas including civil servants, doctors and lawyers, etc. This project deals with the case of architects.
To study the repression of Catalan architects by General Franco’s dictatorship.
To trace the life and professional history of the group of Catalan architects active during the Spanish Civil War.
Localisation and analysis of the documentation produced by the “Junta Superior de Depuración” (board responsible for purges) of the Directorate General of Architecture of the Ministry of Governance, by the Board of the Official Association of Architects of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and by the Court of Political Responsibilities.
Inventory of building permits from municipal archives and the professional collections of the architects under study.
Fieldwork to determine the status of conservation and/or destruction of the projects undertaken by these architects.
Screening of the press of the period and research of oral testimonies to build a more complete idea of the people involved.
DOMÈNECH CASADEVALL, Gemma (2017). “Arquitecturas silenciadas”. BARKATE, Jonathan (dir.). Les représentations de la guerre d’Espagne. Paris, Collections numériques du LISAA, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, 2017, pp.145-157.
DOMÈNECH CASADEVALL, Gemma (2017) “Arquitectura, República i oblit”. Peregrina, A: Duch, M. (Ed) Exilio catalán en México: dos mirades. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. El Colegio de Jalisco, p. 44-57.
Institut Català de Recerca en
Patrimoni Cultural ICRPC
Tel. 972 486 158