Patrimoni Cultural per la Pau. Experiències i casos internacionals

Patrimoni Cultural per la Pau. Experiències i casos internacionals. Investigador Principal: Joaquim Nadal i Farreras.Equip: Joaquim Nadal i Farreras, Joan Bosch i Ballbona, Gemma Domènech i Casadevall, Saida Palou i Rubio, Antonio Rojas Rabaneda. Entitat finançadora: Institut Català Internacional per la pau (ICIP). Convocatòria:  Treballs de recerca en l’àmbit de la pau (R-ICIP 2018-2019). Referència: 2018 RICIP 00019. Import: 5.950. Període d'execució: 2019-2020.

The general objective of the project is to carry out a survey of initiatives designed at an international level that use cultural heritage as a tool for peacebuilding, with the aim of visualizing the universal nature of the link between cultural heritage and the yearnings for peace and the protection of the collective heritages that represent the tangible and intangible heritage, with a conception of the heritage in its broadest sense. These actions and the institutions that organize them will be included in an open access digital map.

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