The Catalan Institute for Cultural Heritage Research offers to act as Host Institution to postdoctoral researchers who wish to develop their research in the field of cultural heritage through funding from
The Catalan Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (ICRPC) is a research centre in the field of cultural heritage research in Spain and clearly positions itself at the forefront of international scientific discussions on innovative aspects such as social uses of heritage and processes of patrimonialisation.
ICRPC research has a clear multidisciplinary focus, covering the following disciplines in the areas of humanities and social sciences: social and cultural anthropology, archaeology, cultural management, history, history of art and museology.
The main research programmes that combine the various disciplines and methodologies mentioned above, are:
1. Processes of patrimonialisation; 2. Uses of cultural heritage; 3. Visitors and museums; 4. History of cultural heritage: destruction and safeguarding of heritage. 5. Maritime Heritage.
Postdoctoral researchers and seniors who are interested on select the ICRPC as host institution for Grants are invited to send the CV and a cover letter to icrpc@icrpc.cat
Call for grants
Ajuts Ramón y Cajal
Ayudas para contratos Ramón y Cajal (RYC) 2014
Ajuts Juan de la Cierva
Ayudas Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación 2014
Ayudas Juan de la Cierva-Formación 2014