L’Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC-CERCA) es complau a convidar-vos a l’acte de donació de la biblioteca personal Joan...
We recommend this video. Using the British Museum as a resource for Art History
Appel à propositions Colloque international UMR Héritages, CY Cergy Paris Université 1-2 June 2023, Paris Expériences glocalisées du...
Decolonizing Museums. Perspectives from Around the World 3.30-5.00 p.m.(CET) Participation is free, subject to registering for a Webex...
La muséologie en Espagne (Séminaire international de la Chaire Unesco pour l'étude de la diversité muséale et son évolution)Mardi 22 mars,...
Singuliers. Les objets des minorités en Europe et en Méditerranée 10 mars 2022 9h-17h30 Hotel Sidi Dou SaidTunisLien zoom sur demande...
Symposium STILL LANDSCAPES March 09, 2022 10:00 (GMT), online Keynote speaker : Tim Ingold - University of Aberdeen The...
Dans le cadre du collège doctoral "identity and heritage", établi entre la Technische Universität Berlin et la Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 12...
Digital lecture series “Approaches to Cultural Heritage...
Do you have a passion for or experience in Climate Action in relation to digital Cultural Heritage? Then apply to join the Steering Group of...
Online Forum on "Integrated Approaches to the Dissonant Heritage in...
Simposio ‘Heritage for the Future, Science for Heritage: A European Adventure for Research and...
The Camina Pirineus project restores 17 viewpoints in Alt Urgell https://forum.ad/el-projecte-camina-pirineus-restaura-17-miradors-a-lalt-urgell/
New digital tool for cultural heritage interventions assesment https://model.sophiaplatform.eu/
Subsidies from the Diputacio de Girona for the restoration and conservation of assets #Immobles of patrimonial interest of the Girona counties for...
Institut Català de Recerca en
Patrimoni Cultural ICRPC
Tel. 972 486 158
Institut Català de Recerca en
Patrimoni Cultural ICRPC
Tel. 972 486 158