Technical Director of the Observatory of Audiences of Cultural Heritage of Catalonia (OPPCC) and researcher at the Catalan Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (ICRPC-CERCA).
PhD in History from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2020) with the qualification of excellent cum laude. He holds a degree in History (extraordinary degree award) and an official master's degree in Cultural Heritage Management and Local Development from the University of Lleida. He also completed a postgraduate degree in Business, Institutions and Cultural Platforms Management at Pompeu Fabra University.
At the Observatory of Audiences of Cultural Heritage, he has focused on deepening the knowledge of museum and heritage site audiences and visitor studies. This work has led to the publication of more than 40 scientific-technical reports related to qualitative and quantitative audience data studies, the development of a standardized audience data collection model for museums and heritage sites, and the publication of the reference book Metodologías para el recuento de visitantes (Methodologies for Audience Counting).
In parallel, his academic career has been centered on the study of the history of science, cabinets of curiosities, museums, and science audiences, based on his doctoral thesis From Cabinet to Museum. The Salvador Collection and Its Audiences in the First Half of the 19th Century.
He has been a member of several research groups recognized by the Government of Catalonia: the Pre-Consolidated Research Group 2017 SGR 835 “Cultural Heritage Research of Catalonia” and the Consolidated Research Group 2021 SGR 139 “Renaissance and Baroque Art in Catalonia.”
He has participated in several competitive R&D projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, being part of the research team for the projects From the Cabinet of Wonders to the Popular Anatomical Museum: Exhibition Regimes and Material Culture of Medicine (HAR2015-64313-P), Museums, Classrooms, and Politics: Scientific and Technological Culture in the Spanish Transition (PID2019-104897GA-I00), and The Impact of the Civil War on the Configuration of Museums in Catalonia. Traceability, Location, and Destination of Saved Cultural Assets (PID 2021-124518NB-I00).
He also has professional experience as a cultural manager and coordinator of cultural projects in museum institutions such as the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona and in private consulting firms. Additionally, he has worked as an archaeologist in the private sector and at the University of Lleida.
Institut Català de Recerca en
Patrimoni Cultural ICRPC
Tel. 972 486 158