Head of the Projects and Communication Unit at the Catalan Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (ICRPC) since 2007. He has more than 27 years of professional experience in the fields of Cultural Heritage and Archeology. He is the author of 73 research articles in journals, books, book chapters and conference proceedings. He has presented research results at 46 national and international conferences.
He has covered a wide range of areas as a project manager at the ICRPC and the University of Girona, as well as a solid knowledge of national and European programmes that fund cultural research and projects. He has participated in the design and implementation of numerous research and knowdlege transference projects on uses of heritage, visitor studies, master plans for cultural centres, the reporting of historical and archeological heritage assessment, data analysis, and heritage inventories.
In the area of research, he is an archeologist specialized in Iberian culture, which is the subject of his doctoral thesis, and has been director of archaeological interventions. Moreover, he focuses his research in the field of uses of cultural heritage and patrimonialization processes. He has participated in various R & D projects and has been member of several research groups. He is a member of the Research Group “Cultural Heritage of Catalonia (GRPRE 2017 SGR 835)” and the “Archeology, Prehistory and Heritage Research Group”, the “Archeology and Prehistory Laboratory” and the “Institute of Historical Research” of the University of Girona.
In the field of university teaching is an associated professor at the University of Girona, in the fields of Archeology and Cultural Heritage since 2008. In the Degree in History of Art, he has taught the subjects "Diffusion of cultural heritage", "Uses of historical-artistic heritage", "Collecting museums" and "history of science and culture", In the Degree in History "Protohistory of the Iberian peninsula". Form part of the teaching team of the Master's in Heritage of the UdG, where he has taught the subjects "Instruments of access to the natural and cultural heritage: dissemination and communication" and "Instruments of access to the natural and cultural heritage: marketing and public," "History of the heritage and heritage of History", "Impacts and adaptation of human activity on heritage and landscape" and "Intangible Cultural Heritage". In recent years he has been a reviewer of articles in the indexed journals International Journal of Event and Festival Management, International Journal of Web Based Communities and PantaRei..
In the area of ICT and communication, he has specific training and a solid knowledge of the use of social networks at corporate level and the dissemination of research and knowledge. He coordinates the ICPRC’s web content and blog, and manages its social networks.
In the area of communication and the presentation of research to the general public, he has coordinated and participated in projects such as #Living Heritage!, Crazy for Archeology or Digibers.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6101-106X
Institut Català de Recerca en
Patrimoni Cultural ICRPC
Tel. 972 486 158