Laura Tricarico

Technical secretary IGUEMUS project

Graduated in Humanities from the University of Urbino Carlo Bo (2018-2021), she is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Art History at the same institution (expected completion: July 2024). During her academic training, she participated in an Erasmus+ mobility program at the University of Girona (2023-2024). Her research focuses on medieval art history, with a particular emphasis on the study of illuminated manuscripts from the collection of Federico da Montefeltro and the context of princely libraries from the 14th and  15th  centuries.

She has collaborated with the Catalan Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (ICRPC) within an Erasmus+ internship program, contributing to research projects related to the management and dissemination of cultural heritage. She is a member of the ministerial R&D project IGUEMUS, which analyzes the impact of the Spanish Civil War on the configuration of museums in Catalonia.

Previously, she completed an internship at the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche (Urbino), where she worked on documenting artistic heritage through the digitization of materials, drafting of documentation, bibliographic records, cataloging cards, and indexes. She has also participated in archaeological study campaigns and excavations focused on medieval archaeology in the province of Pesaro-Urbino (2021-2022). Between 2021 and 2022, she attended English courses at Wall Street English.

Currently, at the ICRPC, she manages the logistics and communication aspects as Technical Secretary of the International Congress «L’impacte de la Guerra Civil en la configuració de los museus». In collaboration with various academic institutions, she coordinates the reception and review of presentation proposals and facilitates communication between participants and the scientific committee.

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