
Managing Macchu Picchu: institutional changes, achievements and open issues

Author: Zan, Luca; coautora Lusiani, Maria
Edition: Girona, ICRPC, Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural
Collecction: Conferències 3
Number of pages: 129
ISBN: 978-84-9984-105-2


This conference wants to present the administrative dimension of Machu Picchu and its continuity and change over recent decades. We want to untangle the complicated situation that is managing a site that is highly visible, highly profitable from the economic point of view, highly debated at the crossroads of multiple and often conflicting interests converged.
The Machu Picchu is a particularly instructive case in the whole debate about the relationship between the historical and heritage museums and their commercial exploitation, often required by the application of criteria silimilars administrative entities.