Author: Huyssen, Andreas
Title: Usos transnacionals del discurs sobre l’Holocaust i el colonialisme.
Transnational uses of Holocaust and colonialim discourse.
Edition: Girona, ICRPC, Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural
Collecction: Conferències 2
Number of pages: 49
ISBN: 978-84-92707-03-4
The obsessions of the past, in short, are not limited to traumatic events and their often symptomatic and pathological effects. As critics of the culture industry might say, any past can be used, turned into merchandise, distorted, commercialised, remodelled, shifted, accused, made to stand trial, judged, and then neglected. But as sociology and psychology have shown, even the discourse of forgetting still contains remnants and residues from the past.
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