
Glazing on White-Washed Tables / Vitralls sobre taules de vitraller. La taula de Girona

Author: Anna Santolaria Tura
Edition: Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural
Collecction: ICRPC Llibres, number 12.
Number of pages: 136
ISBN: ISBN: 978-84-9984-250-9
Dipòsit legal: GI-1.217-2014

While we must acknowledge that there are likely to have been variations in practice across time and across regions, it remains one of the most important pieces of physical evidence for understanding the way medieval glaziers worked. While it is not unique, its size, its condition and the survival of windows actually made on it, make it an object of inestimable value in understanding the craft of the medieval glazier.

From Foreward by Sarah Brown, University of York