Edition: ICRPC
Collecction: ICRPC Llibres
Number of pages: 300
ISBN: 978-84-9984-262-2
Dipòsit legal: GI-1812-2014
In this volume homage to Lluís Mallart, a group of Catalan and French scholars specializing in Africa, the anthropological study of ritual or medical anthropology, offer samples of their work and appreciation to who has been a teacher and author reference.
Lluís Guimerà Mallart and turned to anthropology after a long experience in Africa as a missionary, and became a renowned professor of anthropology first in France and later in Catalonia where, in recent decades, has been dedicated to training new generations anthropologists and strengthen your own Catalan and French work.
The authors gathered here represent just the tip of the iceberg of the many people who, in France and Catalonia, are considered students, colleagues or friends Lluís, a universal Catalan whose influence is felt not only on both sides of the Pyrenees, but also in anthropology and Africanist studies in general and certainly in many African hearts also.
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Patrimoni Cultural ICRPC
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